Attention Divorced and Divorcing Parents:
Escape the Battlefield of Divorce
And Experience a MAJOR SHIFT in How You Parent with Your Ex
Do you feel like you’re on the divorce battlefield
and have no idea how to get out of the line of fire?
Are you afraid your children are getting caught in the crossfire?
Are you horrified that you’ll have to deal with this for the rest of your life?
Dear Committed Parent,
I know that divorce can create unnecessary havoc and trauma for you and your child. And I know how much you want to protect your child from all the negative fallout of divorce.
Every day I help my clients face these concerns and I’ve been through it myself.
My name is Cat J. Zavis. I’m a Mediator, Collaborative Attorney, Parenting Coach, Author of the upcoming book, “Parenting with Your Ex: Another F***ing Growth Opportunity” and divorced mother of two amazing sons.
After 23 years as an attorney and 9 years specializing in Nonviolent Communication, I’ve developed the knowledge of an attorney, the skills of a coach, and the compassion of a counselor.
If you want to know more about my story, click here.
I help divorced and divorcing parents co-parent successfully so their children are kept out of the emotional crossfire. At the root of this work is my commitment to honor the sacred covenant between parent and child.
This means that I believe that our children come into our lives through a sacred contract. When we bring them into our lives we’re agreeing to love, nurture and support them through all the phases of childhood and into their adult years.
This becomes even more important during and after divorce.
This is when our children most need to know we love them more than we want to win arguments…
That we love them enough to commit to our own healing and growth, even when we want to get even…
That we love them more than we love our stories of how we’ve been mistreated by our Ex…
After working with hundreds of clients, I’ve discovered 6 secrets that make co-parenting during and after divorce much easier and less stressful.
Are you experiencing 1 or more of the following symptoms?
- Do you often feel like your emotions have taken over and they’re difficult or impossible to control?
- Do you feel powerless when trying to manage what happens with your kids when they’re with your Ex?
- Do you feel alienated and excluded from important parts of your children’s lives?
- Are you often frustrated by your Ex ignoring your opinion about what’s best for your kids?
- Does it seem like no matter what you say or what compromises you make nothing ever changes?
- Does every conversation turn into a battle with your Ex?
- Are you worried about your children’s well-being and desperately want something to change?
The good news is…
IT IS POSSIBLE to have a positive parenting experience with your Ex – REALLY!
That’s why I created:
Parenting with Your Ex:
Keep Your Kids Out Of The Emotional Crossfire
In this 6-week program, you will get the tools you need to:
- Have the clarity of mind to create sound decisions so you can do what’s best for your children
- Stop being emotionally hijacked and drawn into unnecessary battles
- Prioritize your child’s needs rather than acting out of fear or revenge
- Speak in a way that makes it most likely you’ll be heard
- Shift conversations with your Ex from right-wrong to win-win with powerful negotiation strategies that end power struggles
- Replace the battlefield with a sanctuary for you and your children
Does that sound like too much to ask for?
It isn’t.
This is what one participant had to say about the last program
“Before taking Cat’s program – Parenting With Your Ex: Keep Your Kids Out of the Emotional Crossfire – I often reacted to emails, texts and phone calls from my soon-to-be former wife and we’d end up in battles and struggles again and again. After just the first call I had the skills to shift our dynamic and create healthier outcomes. For example, I received a text from my wife that her mother had bought our daughter an IPhone. I was very upset about this and immediately responded with accusations and attacks. I then remembered some of the things Cat taught us in the first call and sat down and wrote out my thoughts, feelings and needs. I then sent my wife a second email expressing myself more fully and taking responsibility for my reactivity. She was extremely grateful for my thoughtful response. After this occurred we sat down together at each other’s houses and looked at old photographs. This never would have occurred had I not taken Cat’s program and learned how to respond in a healthier way. I so appreciate the guidance and support I have received from Cat. I have hope that I can co-parent with my former in a healthy way so we can all thrive.”
~ David P.
You may be thinking your Ex will continue to fight you no matter what you do.
Even if your Ex does not want to cooperate with you, you can STILL experience these benefits when YOU learn the skills to effectively manage your co-parenting relationship.
This program consists of:
- 6 calls with me of 75-90 minutes
- Recordings of all the calls
- Worksheets and exercises
When YOU stop playing the game, the game changes.
Now, I’ve talked with hundreds of parents in these situations and each person’s case is unique…and yet, I have found, again and again, when these parents understand these mistakes and what to do instead, their co-parenting experience begins to transform. After the first week of this program, David experienced a major shift in his interactions with his soon-to-be former spouse. Instead of reacting to some of her choices, he was able to explain his concerns and needs and they were able to have a healthier interaction. He began to understand the power of listening and to be able to actually listen so that instead of arguing they were able to talk respectfully with each other.
Here are the 6 Strategies we’ll cover in 6 weeks that will help you end the battles with your Ex.
I am going to guide you through these weeks in a step-by-step process so that you can practice the tools and skills I share with you and have confidence that you can actually usethem effectively in the midst of the battle. Ultimately, you can find yourself off the battlefield entirely.
Strategy 1 – Put The Oxygen Mask On YOURSELF First
Divorce is traumatic for most people. To put your children’s best interest ahead of your own, day after day, you will need to heal the ways divorce has traumatized you. Otherwise, your pain will keep being triggered and lure you into acts of self-protection that won’t serve the health and well being of your children.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this module you’ll discover how to have the clarity of mind to create sound decisions so you can do what’s best for your children.
You’ll also learn:
- 3 powerful tips to fully grieve the loss of your marriage…and how to do it
- What to do when you’re so pissed you want to punch your Ex
- How to stop freaking out when your children are with your Ex
Strategy 2 – Free Yourself From Being Emotionally Hijacked
So many people feel emotionally hijacked by their Ex they end up overreacting to anything their Ex says or does and as a result every conversation feels like a battle. Learn how to navigate the battlefields so you end up interacting with, rather than overreacting to your Ex and ultimately leave the battles behind.
You’ll also discover:
- Why seeing your Ex as the enemy keeps you in the battle
- The #1 “weapon” you need put down if you want to end the war
- How to stop the blame game once and for all
Strategy 3 – Keep Your Kids Out Of The Crossfire
Fear about your child’s well-being, and anger with your Ex may have you act out of protection or revenge, rather than what is actually in the best interest of your child.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Understand and prioritize your child’s needs so that you choose your battles wisely (and stop wasting energy)
- Support your child’s relationship with your Ex “without micromanaging it”
- Provide loving support for your child when they are complaining about your Ex
Strategy 4 – Stand-Up and Get Your Message Across
Constantly fighting with your Ex causes unnecessary stress for yourself and your children. In order to ease the stress and re-gain your confidence, you need to learn how to communicate clearly. Once you do this, you stop feeling so out of your control and instead feel confident in your decisions.
In this module, learn:
- The most important strategy that allows you to both safely put down your defensive shields
- 3 strategies for setting clear boundaries
- How be open-minded with your Ex without getting run over
Strategy 5 – Put An End To Power Struggles
When you get pulled into a battle of wits and power with your Ex, you end up spinning in circles and being sucked into the vortex of no-win arguments.
When you learn how to recognize that you’re in a power struggle, and how to get out of it, you can then shift the conversation from a right-wrong situation to one that is win-win. This helps you focus on your children’s needs and put them first.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Stop a power struggle in its tracks using 6 specific building blocks
- Identify what you and your Ex both want for your children, so you can focus on solutions
- Save yourself years of frustration and anger by choosing your battles wisely
Strategy 6 – Replace The Battleground With A Sanctuary
Divorce can wreak havoc on your life. You can get lost in second guessing yourself or your Ex, and trying to fix every little problem. When you do this, you aren’t being present with your children and you stay stuck in the battlefield of divorce.
That’s why it is necessary to learn the tools to get off the battlefield and create a sanctuary for yourself so that you and your children can move beyond divorce.
In this section, you’ll discover how to:
- Let go of the battle wounds that keep you defensive
- Accept how your Ex is showing up in relationship to your children
- Create a plan for your ideal ‘post divorce’ life
“Learning from and being coached by Cat Zavis has deeply enriched my life. I now have the tools and experience that give me courage to communicate calmly in difficult situations while staying true to myself. I also have the confidence to show up to people I encounter in all kinds of situations, and am optimistic that I can nurture compassion for everyone in my life.”
~ Sarah Clark
I want this decision to be a no-brainer for you so I am going to make this program 100% risk free.
You can try out the program for 2 weeks before you decide if this is really for you. If, by the start of the 3rd teleclass, you feel you haven’t received the value I promised, I will refund your entire purchase price of the program! No questions asked.
Rest assured this online transaction is 100% secure and after your information is received you will get an electronic receipt and instructions within a few minutes.
Yes Cat, I’m ready to transform my relationship with my Ex!
Rest easy – your order will be processed on secure servers.
You will receive an electronic receipt within a few minutes.
Get ready for more confidence, clarity and peace
If you want some one-on-one private time with me in addition to the program, I am offering a special rate for people who join the program. My normal hourly rate is $200.00 per session. 3 – 60 minute sessions would be $600.00. But if you sign-up for the three sessions and the program together, you get it all for only $897.00, that is a savings of $100.00!
You’ll get the entire 6-week program AND
these 3 private calls with me for only $897!
“Working with Cat Zavis helped turn a low point in my adult life into something positive. The difference today compared to our last three years of marriage is next to a miracle and I can contribute a large portion of this success to working with Cat. Thank you.”
~ Mark Goodman
“Your compassionate listening and empathic way of sharing information and skills were PHENOMENAL! You should write a book: “Beyond Tact: Peacemaking under Duress!” Really, really nice job.”
~ Virginia Herrick, spiritual community member, writer, editor and designer
In support,
Cat J. Zavis
Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator,
Author of the upcoming book,
“Parenting with Your Ex: Another F***ing Growth Opportunity”
and Coach for Divorced and Divorcing Parents